Patient Info Where and When It’s Needed: Bridging the Digital Divide in Healthcare

There’s been a lot of focus in healthcare on the need to digitize patient information using EMR so that healthcare providers can share information and better coordinate patient care.  Digitizing patient info is the first step, making sure that hospital medical professionals have it when they are diagnosing and treating is patients is the next step.

Today, Dell is introducing a virtual desktop solution for healthcare that simplifies info access for hospital medical professionals and management for IT and helps improve info security, staff productivity and care quality.  Early adopter Silver Cross Hospital has been able to reduce application updates to their 200 desktops from 80 hours to 20 minutes with MCC.  Their medical professionals are also more productive.  MCC has helped their medical professionals reclaim nearly 20,000 hours for patient care this year alone.  

Dell continues to bridge the digital divide at healthcare’s frontline to help the medical community harness the power of information for better patient care.

Listen to Jamie Coffin, vice president and general manager of Dell Healthcare and Life Sciences, describe MCC’s value to hospitals and let us know how we can continue to improve the value of IT for medical professionals.

About the Author: Craig Spencer