Meet the Dell Partner Program Leaders: Álvaro Camarena

Meet the Program Leaders

This series provides insight into what drives Dell channel executives. Missed the other posts in the series? Get to know them now: John Byrne (Dell President of Global Channels);  Michael Collins (Dell Senior Vice President, Channel, EMEA); Ng Tian Beng (Dell Senior Vice President, APJ Channels); Joyce Mullen (Dell Senior Vice President and General Manager, Global OEM and IoT Solutions); Jim DeFoe (Dell Senior Vice President, Global Distribution); Gregg Ambulos (Dell Senior Vice President, North American Channels); Jay Snyder (Dell Senior Vice President, Global Alliances, Service Providers and Industries); Cheryl Cook (Dell Senior Vice President, Global Channel Marketing).

Meet Álvaro Camarena – Vice President, Latin America Channel Sales

What is your current role/area of responsibility?

I have the privilege of leading the Dell channel business in Latin America. I love interacting with the partner ecosystem—from VARs to Distributors, to Systems Integrators, etc.

How long have you worked with the channel partner community?

I’ve worked with the channel partner community at Dell for eight years. I joined Dell in 1998; but in my previous role, I was also responsible for leading Sales & Marketing in a software start-up—in which 100% of the business was driven by channel partners.

What most excites you about the Dell opportunity?

That we will make history. Michael Dell has broken paradigms several times, and the combination of Dell is one more. This is a unique opportunity and therefore a unique experience. The Dell portfolio offers everything our partners and customers need in order to achieve digital transformation—in one company. To think about the growth we can drive is exciting.

What most excites you about the Dell Partner Program?

Several things: The global team, led by John Byrne, is outstanding. We have come together as a true team in a few months. We worked in creating the new Program and I love the result. I believe that the Dell Partner Program is the best in the industry, and it is designed to be Simple. Predictable. Profitable.TM Feedback from partners has been very encouraging; and we will keep listening to them. I love the Program—from the look of the logo, materials and tier names, to the way incentives and requirements are structured.

What do you see as the biggest opportunity for Dell partners in 2017?

I think that this is a great time to be a Dell channel partner. At least in the last 10-15 years, I had not seen so many opportunities for a channel partner. Customers need to embrace the digital transformation, and they need a trusted adviser. Technology has become the competitive advantage, and enables big opportunity. With the Dell Partner Program, partners have all they need in one single company. Our portfolio is the broadest in the industry. Its breadth requires the best partners in the industry as well … And, we have them..

Do you have a favorite country, place or city to visit; and why?

I love traveling and appreciate different places, from small towns, nature, to large cities. London is one of my favorites. And I love Latin American small towns and their people, food, landscapes …

What do you do for fun outside of Dell?

I love sports … Golf has become a recent passion; but I truly enjoy participating in all types of sports activities. I also attend professional sports whenever possible.

Spending time with friends is also important to me—I try to stay in touch with them as much as possible, and I am active in organizing activities with friends.

And, the activity that I enjoy the most is spending time with my wife Selene and our four children (Pablo, Diego, Alvaro and Sofia). Whether it’s just being together at dinner, traveling as a family, or enjoying activities like water skiing … Seeing our kids grow is simply amazing.

Leader Alvaro Camarena
Álvaro, his wife Selene and their 4 children’s Pablo, Álvaro, Diego and Sofia practicing archery and enjoying and an afternoon at Tapalpa, place of mountains near Guadalajara, México.

About the Author: Dell Technologies