Elect Blog Round-Up (Weeks of September 9 and 16)

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A selection of blogs from the EMC Elect are grouped here. For instructions on how to get a feed of EMC Elect blogs, see this post

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Product Announcements: VNX and Vblock

Note: Get to know the Elect Social Champions who attended our launch event in September, and check out this early blog round-up from the event


Upcoming Events

Note: Will you be at #OOW next week? View the vPass to find out where we’ll be


All About Photos!

Note: For more images and posts from VMworld, see the EMC @ #VMworld Storify


Storage Talk and Tips

Note: Benefit from real-world experiences and the latest, most relevant technical information in the Support Community – here’s the full list of product support forums


About the Author: Stephanie Mcbride

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