IDC Vendor Spotlight Underlines IT Modernization Opportunities for Dell Partners

Take advantage of top advice from industry analyst firm IDC on how to best pitch IT modernization to your prospects and customers

Are all of your prospects and customers considering how IT modernization can benefit their business? They should be, because they’re in danger of being left behind if they don’t find a way to remain agile and efficient in today’s fast-moving, digitally driven world.

As a Dell partner, you’re ideally placed to assume the role of trusted advisor, consulting with key stakeholders and offering guidance on the best technology solutions to suit their specific business needs.

IDC identifies clear opportunities for Dell partners

In a new IDC Vendor Spotlight[1], influential analyst firm IDC noted that “Dell holds the market share leadership across across most of the offerings it considers foundational to IT modernization.”

This leadership position, combined with a comprehensive portfolio of solutions spanning infrastructure from endpoint to data center, makes Dell the ideal technology partner to enable organizations of any size to modernize their IT environment.

The analyst outlines the company’s fully integrated and forward-looking IT modernization strategy and details the substantial opportunities that this presents for Dell partners.

Insider advice on how best to bring strategy to life

The IDC Vendor Spotlight contains plenty of guidance for partners on maximizing the opportunities around modernizing IT.

It states that customers need help in assessing how best to modernize their IT and that they’re looking for expert technology partners to address this need. However, the report also stresses that capturing and realizing the significant opportunities open to partners “requires a deep understanding of customer priorities”.

In particular, the IDC Vendor Spotlight is advising Dell partners to focus on three key requirements:

  1. The ability to clearly explain the importance and scope of IT modernization: You need to be able to articulate to customers the benefits of IT modernization and the essential role it plays as a necessary first step and best path towards wider digital transformation.
  2. The ability to adopt a consultative, solutions-focused sales approach: Deep understanding of the customer’s environment will enable you to offer trusted advice on IT modernization solutions that will deliver specific business outcomes, not just tick technology boxes.
  3. The ability to appeal to and engage with different types of buyers: More and more IT decisions are being made outside of the IT department, so you need to be able to tailor your sales approaches to C-suite level and LOB buyers, as well as traditional IT personas.

Get these three aspects right, IDC says, and you’ll be able to win IT modernization business while also earning long-term customer respect and loyalty.

Partners “well positioned” to become trusted advisors

All of these inherent challenges feed into one of the fundamental points made within the report. This is the assertion by the IDC Vendor Spotlight that partners “play a critical role in helping Dell bring IT modernization to its customers at the scale and pace that customers are demanding it.”

That’s because technology providers need to shift the conversation from generic product features to how a particular solution can meet specific business needs. To succeed, they have to be able to deliver complete, often bespoke, solutions to customers – solutions that create value and meet desired targeted outcomes. And that, of course is dictated by business need, not technology.

This drives many business-led IT purchases into very specific use case scenarios, where each solution is slightly different from the next. The best way to assess, advise on, sell, and ultimately implement these solutions is for technology providers to work with expert partners who are ‘on the ground’ – partners like you.

The IDC Vendor Spotlight emphasizes that Dell partners are “well positioned” to act as trusted advisors who can guide their customers through the complex journey required for IT modernization, from awareness and exploration through to decision-making.

Get up to speed today with all the ways you can be helping your prospects and customer…

Read the full IDC Vendor Spotlight now

Explore our dedicated Modernize IT campaign and marketing tools

And if you’re heading to the Global Partner Summit in Las Vegas at the end of April, make sure you head over and “Plug In” to the Dell Partner Zone at the Dell Technologies World Expo to find out more about the Modernize IT campaign.

[1] IDC Vendor Spotlight, sponsored by Dell, ‘Modernize IT: The Opportunity for Dell Partners, April 2019.

About the Author: Julie Tatum