Dell Women’s Entrepreneur Network Goes Virtual

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A year ago, the DWEN team began to reimagine a new vision for our global community. One that supported us in better serving our membership but also made it possible to meaningfully add value for the female entrepreneurs we serve. Nowhere in our planning could we have predicted the turns 2020 would take nor how this year would provide such immediate opportunity to better serve our membership.  And what a transformative twelve months it has been – for DWEN and our community.

To empower our members as they too reimagine their path forward, on July 9th, we hosted 1,000 attendees from over 60 countries, for DWEN’s inaugural Virtual Summit.

Featuring a special welcome by Michael Dell and speakers such as Bobbi Brown, Rakia Reynolds, Brian Solis and Kendra Scott – participants received first-hand advice and insights from entrepreneurs who have successfully paved their way to becoming leaders in their industries.”

And in partnership with our sponsors, Intel, Microsoft, and Hogan Lovells, we created an engaging environment for attendees to network, learn and share with one another.

Our lineup of speakers offered attendees valuable advice on the topics of innovation, pivoting in business, and securing funding; and, personal bits of wisdom in navigating through the changes of 2020. While innovation and big thinking is at the core of the entrepreneurial spirt, sometimes focusing on the basics is critical to evolving. As Bobbi Brown, Founder and CEO of Beauty Evolution, and Rakia Reynolds, Founder and CEO, Skai Blue Media, offered advice to attendees navigating their journeys today. “We did things simply,” Bobbi said of supporting her new brand Evolution_18 through the early stages of the pandemic. “We learned we can save time, energy, money and resources and still do the right thing for the brand.” Rakia also added how important it is to stay true to the core values of a company and ensure the organizations you work with align with your values as well.

Both also spoke of the value of mentorship and in lifting one another up and in being part of a community – particularly now as across the globe we all should be working, thinking, and acting more conscientiously. And that is the role of DWEN. To be an accessible and inclusive community, connecting and inspiring female founders and aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere.

Through programs like our Virtual Summit and our new Empower Hour series, we offer members everywhere the opportunity to connect regularly with entrepreneurs and to get advice, support, and resources in defining their path. With nearly 15,000 members on our recently launched online community, you can search for and connect with other members navigating similar hurdles or willing to offer mentorship to those who need it, join one of our 25 chapters or help start a new one in your area, access relevant content and find events and programs to support you.

We hope you’ll join DWEN and become a part of our global community of inspiring women changing their industries and advancing their communities forward. Together, we are stronger.

About the Author: Ingrid Devin

Ingrid is the director for the Dell’s Women Entrepreneur Network. This international network creates a forum for global women founders and CEOs to share best practices, build business opportunities, explore international expansion and access new resources. Prior to this role Ingrid was the European, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) lead for diversity and inclusion at Dell, and was responsible for implementing and driving a strategy focused on leadership, accountability, inclusive culture, and external brand, across EMEA.
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