Dell’s SuperMassive Scores Big in NSS Labs 2014 NGFW Real-World Test Again

white flowers in vase on tableThe finest restaurant guarantees its longevity by making sure its meals taste perfect and satisfying to customers each and every time they visit.

Scoring big consistently with a five stars rating is the key to its success. The same must be when it comes to your business livelihood. 

Likewise, to best sustain a near zero-downtime operations during an era of escalating cyber security threats, it’s more crucial than ever before that the right network security system is employed with effective threat protection capabilities to achieve that end. A network security system that has been proven to score big year after year in reputable and impartial third-party real-world testing where you can confidently base your product choice on empirical laboratory test results as opposed to fuzzy marketing and product surveys or opinion based analysis makes it a clear and easy choice for your organization.

I am thrilled to announce that Dell SonicWALL recently received the official NSS Labs 2014 Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) Product Analysis Report and we’re extremely pleased that for three consecutive years, our Dell SonicWALL SuperMassive E10800 next-generation firewall performed remarkably well as documented in the overall test results table below.  

For three years running, we've demonstrated how efficient our advanced patented security technologies as well as our best-in-class security services perform in real-world threat environment with real-world traffic mixes and loads that reflect real use cases similar to your own. Products tested are measured and rated for their effectiveness, performance, manageability, stability, reliability and cost of ownership to ensure your product selection is solely based upon analysis of the test results.

“With the SuperMassive platform, we’ve been very successful at providing an ‘always on’ network to the extent that we’ve not had a single minute of downtime in nearly three years,” explains Dannie Combs, Senior Manager Network Security Engineering Operations, U.S. Cellular. 

He goes further to say “The SuperMassive 10800 platform is unique in that we no longer have to find creative ways to balance security with availability, capacity and scalability. It sustains our impressive volume bandwidth consumption while providing an equal level of security protection for users.”

To summarize the results, the SuperMassive E10800 blocked 96.4 percent of attacks against server applications, 99.1 percent of attacks against client applications, and 97.9 percent overall security effectiveness. The device also proved effective against all evasion techniques tested and passed all manageability, stability and reliability tests. Moreover, the SuperMassive E10800 measured at 16.4 Gbps of deep packet inspection throughput which is higher that our published figure of 12 Gbps. The key take away here is that these are highly credible and verifiable proof points that Dell SonicWALL next-generation firewalls deliver on our product promise and empowers you to achieve breakthrough performance at unprecedented levels of protection. To learn more, I urge you to read the complete NSS Labs 2014 NGFW Product Analysis Report. Download the NSS Labs Report today.

Dell SonicWALL next-generation firewall and its integrated intrusion prevention system have demonstrated cutting-edge threat protection against a wide variety of server and client-side attacks. While performance may vary by model and product, Dell’s patented stream-based RFDPI engine is featured across our entire NGFW and UTM portfolio. The same security effectiveness found in our flagship SuperMassive E10800 extends throughout the entire TZ Series, Network Security Appliance (NSA) Series, and SuperMassive Series.

Want to learn more about the Dell SonicWALL next-generation firewall with integrated intrusion prevention system (IPS)? Click here.  

How can you stay updated on the latest threats research by Dell SonicWALL?  Visit the Dell Security Center for up-to-the-minute information about viruses, vulnerabilities, and spyware. Download the full Dell SonicWALL 2013 Threat Report today for a complete threat statistics for 2013 and what you should expect to see for 2014.

sonicwall supermassive e10800

About the Author: Ken Dang