Achieving IT Financial Transparency: Simple Is Better

Sometimes simple is just better, even when complex financial and IT strategies are at stake. So it wasn’t totally surprising that EMC IT’s simple approach to creating financial transparency for its transformation to IT-as-a-Service (ITaaS) struck a positive note with financial leaders at two recent conferences where I gave presentations last month.

The first was a Finance Management Board meeting of The Research Board Inc. in late January, where I got to discuss EMC’s financial transparency program with some 15 IT finance leaders from other Fortune 500 companies. The following week, I gave a presentation on “The End of Flat-Tax Funded IT” to CFOs and other financial leaders from a cross-section of industries at the Corporate Performance Management Conference.

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Attendees at both were extremely interested in oursimplicity-first approach to making the shift from a traditional lump-sum IT service budget to a financial transparency system that shares with users the true costs of IT services they consume. Leaders whose organizations are in the throes of transformation to ITaaS wanted to hear more about how  we  created five broad “buckets” of services from which to allocate costs and establish a chargeback system to our IT users.

Want to Read More? Visit the EMC Executive Reflections Blog for the full post.

About the Author: Paulo Prazeres