Simply Powerful Data Protection for Midsize Orgs at the Lowest Cost to Protect

Dell Data Protection had a very strong start to the year with IDC reporting that Dell extended our #1 share lead in the Worldwide Purpose Built Backup Appliances (PBBA) segment1 and also gained share in the Data Protection & Recovery software segment2. The gains we made in PBBA were not only significant for Dell, they were record-breaking, representing the largest year-over-year share gain that we’ve ever recorded in IDC’s published estimates going back to Q120111.

So it is from this position of strength that we’re thrilled to be delivering the next generation in data protection for mid-size organizations—the Dell Integrated Data Protection Appliance (IDPA) DP4400

With the IDPA DP4400, we are helping mid-size organizations modernize their data protection with a solution that is not just simple and powerful, but priced and sized right for them.

A recent ESG study3 found that 63% of IT executives indicate that data protection is one of their organization’s top three initiatives for IT Transformation. Transformed companies, as well as those looking to achieve IT transformation, require a modern data center to thrive competitively in today’s digital economy. This requires confidence that they can restore their data no matter what happens through data protection that is simple yet powerful enough to meet the needs across workloads and deployment models while also staying within defined Service Level Objectives. This research adds further validation to our IDPA portfolio strategy, offering simple, yet powerful data protection solutions that combine everything customers require – protection storage hardware and robust software – to protect and leverage their business data.

The IDPA DP4400 was specifically designed to tackle the major requirements of mid-size organizations—simplicity, performance, efficiency, and low cost to protect. These same features and capabilities also make the product ideal for enterprise remote and branch office (ROBO) deployments.

The IDPA DP4400 offers complete backup, deduplication, replication, and recovery—plus, cloud readiness with disaster recovery and long-term retention to the cloud—all in a convenient 2U appliance. While competitive products sacrifice coverage, performance and efficiency in the name of simplicity, the IDPA DP4400 delivers the perfect mix of simplicity and power – no sacrifices necessary. It’s —simply powerful data protection guaranteed and at the lowest cost.

Simple to deploy, manage and grow

The IDPA DP4400 offers converged data protection in a 2U Dell PowerEdge 14th generation server platform that combines protection storage and software, search, analytics and cloud readiness in a single appliance. It is simple to deploy and upgrade, and grows in place from 24TB to 96TB—using simple license keys—with no additional hardware, downtime or complexity.

The IDPA DP4400 includes a modern HTML5 user interface for simplified data protection monitoring, management and reporting. Plus, it offers integration with native management tools—including VMware, SQL Server Management Studio, Oracle RMAN, and more—so that administrators can continue to leverage familiar UIs for their most common data protection tasks.

And in the spirit of delivering “better together” solutions for our customers, VMware integration with IDPA DP4400 is extensive. The IDPA DP4400 is designed to empower vAdmins to perform most common backup and recovery tasks directly from the native vSphere UI, including:

  • Leverage VMware vRealize automation to help make the daily tasks of protecting virtual environments easier and faster
  • The “Dynamic Policy Management” feature in the IDPA DP4400 provides hands-free administration of new VMs in the customer environment
  • Pre-defined policies can be automatically assigned whenever the DP4400 detects a new VM in the environment, based on user-defined criteria

All this advanced VMware integration is complemented by the DP4400’s powerful architecture that can protect up to 5X more VMs4 than competitive products in a single 2U appliance. It also provides faster VMware backups and recoveries and enables more efficient networking and capacity utilization thanks to its leading deduplication capabilities. More proof that no other provider supports VMware better than Dell.

Power is coverage, performance and efficiency

The IDPA DP4400 is powerful in its comprehensive coverage, performance and cloud readiness. It supports the largest application ecosystem5, including modern apps like MySQL and MongoDB.

Built on a Dell PowerEdge 14th generation server platform and leveraging enterprise-class technology developed over the past decade, the IDPA DP4400 is designed for optimal performance. With its latest innovations it shortens backup windows by up to 2x6, requires up to 98% less bandwidth7, and supports 7x more backup streams8. Using NVMe flash for instant access and restore, as well as boosted application-direct protection, this appliance delivers high performance to help customers meet the most stringent SLAs and RPOs.

The IDPA DP4400 delivers up to 20% more capacity than competitive 2U appliances9 and an average rate of 55:1 deduplication10. It can protect up to 4.8PB of logical data with a single 2U, 96TB appliance, and with optional native Cloud Tier for long-term retention, the IDPA DP4400 can protect up to an additional 9.6PB for 14.4PB of data. How’s that for scale?

The IDPA DP4400 also offers optional efficient and cost-effective native Cloud Disaster Recovery to AWS with end-to-end orchestration—failover in three clicks, and failback in two clicks—all without the need for additional hardware.

Read the IDPA DP4400 Cloud Brief. 

Industry’s lowest cost to protect

All this makes the IDPA DP4400 the lowest cost to protect data protection appliance in a 2U form factor in the industry11. At less than half a penny per GB per month12, it costs up to 80% less to protect13 your data.


Finally, we stand by our product and claims. The IDPA DP4400 is guaranteed under our newly expanded Future Proof Loyalty Program—now featuring an additional guarantee of data protection deduplication up to 55:1. This is on top of the 3-year satisfaction guarantee, hardware investment protection and predictable support pricing that, in total, provide for additional peace of mind and investment protection for future technology changes.

In summary:

The IDPA DP4400 is simply powerful, at the lowest cost to protect. Guaranteed.

To learn more about the Dell IDPA, check out the Dell IDPA home page and follow @DellProtect on Twitter for our latest announcements and content. Also be sure to tune in to our IDPA DP4400 Wikibon CrowdChat on August 15 to get a live overview of the IDPA DP4400 and chat directly with the Dell Data Protection team.


1Based on the IDC 1Q18 WW Purpose Built Backup Appliance (PBBA) Tracker (revenue)

2Based on select Storage Software market segments from the IDC 1Q18 Storage Software and Cloud Service Overview

3ESG IT Transformation Maturity Curve April 2018

4 Based on Dell internal testing and comparing against Rubrik’s published performance data in 2U, February 2018

5Based on internal analysis, June 2018

6ESG Lab Review commissioned by Dell, February 2018, versus a competitive Vendor A. Additional information on the testing environment.

7 Based on internal analysis, June 2018

8 ESG Lab Review commissioned by Dell, February 2018, versus a competitive Vendor A.

9 Based on Dell internal analysis, May 2018, using Rubrik’s published data. Actual results will vary.

10 Based on Dell internal analysis of customer data as of May 2018

11 Dell internal analysis using publically available competitive pricing from Rubrik and Cohesity, May 2018. Lowest cost-to-protect is based on $ per logical GB. Actual cost will vary.

12 ESG whitepaper commissioned by Dell, “The Economic Value of Data Domain and Integrated Data Protection Appliances (IDPA),” where ESG analyzed hardware, software, power, cooling, and deduplication costs for 12 active Dell customers, May 2018. Actual costs will vary.

13 Dell internal analysis using publically available competitive pricing from Rubrik and Cohesity, May 2018. Based on $ per logical GB. Actual cost will vary.

About the Author: Beth Phalen

Beth Phalen is President and GM of the Data Protection Division at Dell EMC. She is responsible for the data protection portfolio that includes Data Protection Suite, Integrated Data Protection Appliance, Recoverpoint and Data Domain. Beth is responsible for leading a global team to deliver Dell EMC’s industry leading data protection portfolio to customers worldwide. In this capacity she oversees the engineering marketing and product management teams, drives the portfolio strategy and works closely with sales and global services to ensure successful end to end execution of the business.