Does it seem like no one is reading your posts?

Hi all Support Community members. With recent updates to our Jive platform we’ve seen some great new features and improvements. However, some of you may be wondering why your posts now seem to no longer get a reply or appear in the relevant product support forum.

Well, this is a known problem. It comes from the fact that you may have unintentionally created your post in your personal ECN space, and not in the support forum you thought you were posting to.

The solution is to check your personal space on ECN. If your post is in there, you need to move it to the relevant support forum. The instructions on how to move your post are in the FAQ here:EMC Community Network Frequently Asked Questions

We are working on a change to make it clearer where you are posting when you create a new piece of content, and to confirm you want it in that space. In the meantime, if you believe your post is missing or not getting a reply you expected, check your personal ECN space to see if it landed in there.

We’ll keep you posted on the roll-out of the improvements required to overcome this issue.  If you have any questions at all reach out to us by replying to this post or contacting, Bob, Jason or Yutaro or myself with a direct message.

Best regards,

The EMC Support Community Management team.

About the Author: Mark Browne