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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 RACADM CLI Guide



Table 1. Details of vflashpartition subcommandThe following table provides details about the vflashpartition subcommand:
Description Manages the partitions on the vFlash SD card.
  • To run this subcommand, you must have the iDRAC Enterprise license.
  • After iDRAC restart, the status of the previous operation performed on the partition(s) is erased.
racadm vflashpartition <create | delete | status | list> -i<index> -o<label> -e<emulation type> -s<size> -f<format type> -t<partition type> -l<path> -u<user> -p<password> -a
  • -o — Label that is displayed when the partition is mounted on the operating system. This option must be a string of up to six alphanumeric characters. VFLASH is the only accepted volume label for non-Dell SD card.
  • -e — Emulation type must be either floppy, cddvd, or hdd.
    • floppy — emulates a floppy disk
    • cddvd — emulates a CD or DVD
    • hdd — emulates a hard disk
  • -s — Partition size in MB.
  • -f — Format type for the partition based on the type of the file system. Valid options are raw, ext2, ext3, fat16, and fat32.
  • -t — Create a partition of the following type:
    • empty — Creates an empty partition
    • image — Creates a partition using an image relative to iDRAC.
    Creation of a partition may be unsuccessful if:
    • The network share is not reachable.
    • The user name or password provided is not correct.
    • The file provided does not exist.
    • The memory available on the SD card is lesser than size of the image file.
  • -l — Specifies the remote path relative to iDRAC.
  • -u — User name for accessing the remote image.
  • -p — Password for accessing the remote image.
  • -a — Display the status of operations on all the existing partitions.
  • list — Lists the existing partitions and its properties.
  • Create a 20MB empty partition.
    racadm vflashpartition create -i 1 -o Drive1 -e hdd -t empty -f fat16 -s 20
  • Create a partition from a remote image.
    racadm vflashpartition create -i 1 -o Drive1 -e cddvd -t image -l
    //ipaddress/sharefolder/isoimge.iso -u username -p xxx

    A new partition is created. By default, the created partition is read-only. This command is case-sensitive for the image filename extension. If the filename extension is in uppercase, for example FOO.ISO instead of FOO.iso, then the command returns a syntax error.

    • This feature is not supported in Local RACADM.
    • Creating vFlash partition from an image file on the CFS or NFS IPv6 enabled network share is not supported.
  • Delete a partition.
    racadm vflashpartition delete -i 1
  • Status of operation on partition 1.
    racadm vflashpartition status -i 1
  • Status of all the existing partitions.
    racadm vflashpartition status -a
  • List all the existing partitions and its properties.
    racadm vflashpartition list


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