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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 RACADM CLI Guide



Table 1. Details of update subcommandThe following table provides details about the update subcommand:
Allows you to update the firmware of devices on the server. The supported firmware image file types are:
  • .exe — Windows-based Dell Update Package (DUP)
  • .d9
  • .pm
  • .sc

The supported catalog files are:

  • .xml
  • xml.gzip
  • Updating the platforms from the repository is not supported for IPv6.
  • The firmware update through FTP has a limitation of file name up to 64 characters.
  • Depending on the network traffic, the HTTP packet transfer may fail if you perform update operation from a remote RACADM through a local share. In such cases, retry the operation. If the issue persists, use remote RACADM with the CIFS or NFS share.
  • The supported share types for single file or DUP updates are CIFS, NFS, HTTP, and HTTPS. For Repository updates, the supported share types are CIFS, NFS, FTP, TFTP, and HTTP.
  • When a port number is appended to an IP address for firmware update, the job fails with an internal error.

For single file or DUP update:

racadm update -f <updatefile>
racadm update -f <updatefile> -l <location> -u <username for CIFS share> -p <password for CIFS share>
racadm update -f <updatefile> -l <location>

For Repository updates

racadm update -f <catalog file> -t <Repository type> -l <location> \ -u <username for CIFS share> -p <password for CIFS share> \ [-a <restart>] [--verifycatalog]
racadm update -f <catalog file> -t <Repository type> \ -e <FTP server with the path to the catalog file> [-a <restart>] \[--verifycatalog]
racadm update -f <catalog file> -t <Repository type> \ -e <FTP server with the path to the catalog file> [-a <restart>] \ -ph <proxy ip> -pu <proxy user> -pp <proxy pass> -po <proxy port> \
  -pt <proxy type>
racadm update viewreport

For single file or DUP update:

  • -f: <updatefile>—Update filename (Windows DUP, .d9,.pm, .sc) only.
  • -u: < username for CIFS share>—Specifies username of the remote share that stores the update file. Specify username in a domain as domain/username.
  • -p: <password for CIFS share—Specifies password of the remote share that stores the update file.
  • -l: <location>—Specifies network share location that stores the update file. For more information on NFS or CIFS share, see section on Usage examples
  • —reboot—Performs a graceful system reboot after the firmware update.

For Repository update:

  • -f: <updatefile>—Update filename .

    For update from repository .xml files are allowed. If a file name is not specified for repository update, Catalog.xml is taken as default.

    If a file name is not specified for repository update, then the Catalog.xml is taken as default.

  • -u: < username for CIFS share>—Username of the remote share that stores the update file. Specify username in a domain as domain/username.
  • -p: <password for CIFS share — Specifies password of the remote share that stores the update file.
  • -l: <location>—Specifies network share location (CIFS/NFS/HTTP/HTTPS/FTP), that stores the update file. For more information on network share, see section on Usage examples
  • -a: <restart> — This option indicates if the server should be restarted after the update from repository operation completes. Must be one of the below:
    • TRUE : restart after update completes
    • FALSE : do not restart after update completes
    NOTE:These options are case insensitive.
  • -t:Repository type>—Specifies the type of repository being used for the update.

    Must be one of the below:

    • FTP: Repository is FTP
    • TFTP: Repository is TFTP
    • HTTP: Repository is HTTP
    • HTTPS: Repository is HTTPS
    • CIFS: Repository is CIFS
    • NFS: Repository is NFS
    NOTE:These options are case insensitive. If the repository update functionality is to be invoked, this option is necessary.
  • -e:<FTP server with the path to the catalog file>—Specifies the Server path for the FTP, TFTP, HTTP, and HTTPS.
  • -ph : <proxy ip>—Specifies the IP address of the proxy server.
  • -pu : <proxy user>—Specifies the user name for proxy credentials.
  • -pp : <proxy pass>—Specifies the password for proxy credentials.
  • -po : <proxy port>—Specifies the port for proxy server.
  • -pt : <proxy type>—Specifies the proxy type.

    Must be one of the below:

    • HTTP: Proxy is HTTP
    • SOCKS4: Proxy is SOCKS4
    • If the repository has to be through a proxy, the proxy server address, proxy username and the proxy password are necessary. The Lifecycle Controller must be enabled for repository update.
    • This command supports both IPV4 and IPV6 formats. IPV6 is applicable only for CIFS and NFS remote share.
Output Firmware update job for <filename> is initiated.

This firmware update job may take several minutes to complete depending on the component or firmware being updated. To view the progress of the job, run the racadm jobqueue view command.

For repository update command, the output is:
Update from repository operation has been initiated. Check the progress of the operation using "racadm jobqueue view -i JID_809364633532" command.

For devices that perform update process without rebooting the host, the update status changes from Downloading to Completed. For devices that require host reboot to perform update process, the update status changes from Downloading to Scheduled. When the status is displayed as Scheduled, reboot the host to start the update process.

The following devices require host reboot to perform the update process:
  • Backplanes
  • BIOS
  • Complex programmable logic device (CPLD)
  • Hard disk drives
    • Solid-state drives (SSD)
  • Network interface cards (NIC) or Fibre Channel (FC) cards
  • PCIe SSD devices
  • Power supply unit (PSU)
  • Storage controllers

For single file or DUP updates:

  • Upload the update file from a remote FTP share
    racadm update -f <updatefile> -u admin -p mypass -l
  • Upload the update file from a remote FTP share and to perform a graceful system reboot after update:
    racadm update -f <updatefile> -u admin -p mypass -l --reboot
  • Upload the update file from a remote CIFS share:
    racadm update -f <updatefile> -u admin -p mypass -l //
  • Upload the update file from a remote CIFS share and under a user domain "dom":
    racadm update -f <updatefile> -u dom/admin -p mypass -l //
  • Upload the update file from a remote NFS share:
    racadm update -f <updatefile> -l
  • Upload the update file from a remote HTTP share:
     racadm update -f <updatefile> -u admin -p mypass -l
  • Upload the update file from a remote HTTPS share:
     racadm update -f <updatefile> -u admin -p mypass -l
  • Upload the update file from the local file system using Local RACADM.
    racadm update -f <updatefile>
  • Upload the Update file from a remote CIFS share and to perform a graceful system reboot after update:
    racadm update -f <updatefile> -u admin -p mypass -l // --reboot
  • Upload the Update file from a remote NFS share and to perform a graceful system reboot after update:
    racadm update -f <updatefile> -l --reboot
  • Upload the update file from a remote HTTP share and to perform a graceful system reboot after update:
    racadm update -f <updatefile> -u admin -p mypass -l --reboot
  • Upload the Update file from the local file system using local racadm and to perform a graceful system reboot after update:
    racadm update -f <updatefile> --reboot

For Repository updates:

  • Perform update from an FTP repository and to apply the updates, reboot the server:
      racadm update -f Catalog.xml -l // -u test -p passwd -a TRUE -t CIFS
  • Generate a comparison report using about the available updates in the repository:
    racadm update -f Catalog.xml -l -t NFS -a FALSE --verifycatalog
  • Perform update from an FTP repository and reboot the server to apply the updates: 
    racadm update -f Catalog.xml -e -a TRUE -t FTP
  • Perform update from an FTP repository with authentication and reboot the server to apply the updates
    racadm update -f Catalog.xml -e -u user -p mypass -a TRUE -t FTP
  • Perform update from a HTTP repository and restart the server to apply the updates.
    racadm update -f Catalog.xml -e -a TRUE -t HTTP
  • Perform update from a TFTP repository and restart the server to apply the updates.
      racadm update -f Catalog.xml -e -a TRUE -t TFTP
  • Perform update from an FTP repository through a proxy server.
    racadm update -f Catalog.xml -e -a TRUE -ph -pu prxyuser -pp prxypass -po 80 -pt http -t FTP
  • Perform update from an downloads.dell.com
    racadm update -f Catalog.xml.gz -e ftp.dell.com/Catalog -a TRUE -t FTP
  • View the comparison report generated when --verifycatalog is used.
    racadm update viewreport


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