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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 RACADM CLI Guide



Table 1. Details of sshpkauthThe following table provides details about the sshpkauth subcommand:
Description Enables you to upload and manage up to 4 different SSH public keys for each user. You can upload a key file or key text, view keys, or delete keys.

This command has three mutually exclusive modes determined by the options — upload, view, and delete.

To run this subcommand, you must have Configure user privilege.

  • racadm sshpkauth -i svcacct -k <key_index> -t <PK_key_text>
  • racadm sshpkauth -i svcacct -k <key_index> -f <PK_key_text>
  • racadm sshpkauth -v -i svcacct -k all|<key_index>
  • racadm sshpkauth -d -i svcacct -k all|<key_index>
  • -i <user_index> — Index for the user.
  • -k [<key_index> | all] — Index to assign the PK key being uploaded. all only works with the -v or -d options. <key_index> must be between 1 to 4 or all on iDRAC.
  • -t <PK_Key_Text> — Key text for the SSH Public key.
  • -f <filename> — File containing the key text to upload.
    NOTE: The -f option is not supported on SSH or serial RACADM.
  • -v — View the key text for the index provided.
  • -d — Delete the key for the index provided.
  • Upload an invalid key to iDRAC User 2 in the first key space using a string.
    $ racadm sshpkauth -i 2 -k 1 -t "This is invalid key
    ERROR: Key text appears to be corrupt
  • Upload a valid key to iDRAC User 2 in the first key space using a file.
    $ racadm sshpkauth -i 2 -k 1 -f pkkey.key
    Key file successfully uploaded.
  • Get all keys for User 2 on iDRAC.
    $ racadm sshpkauth -v -i 2 -k all
    ********************* User ID 2 ******************
    Key ID 1:
    ssh-rsa    AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAzzy+k2npnKqVEXGXIzo0sbR6JgA5YNbWs3ekoxXV
    1024-bit RSA, converted from OpenSSH by xx_xx@xx.xx
    Key ID 2:
    Key ID 3:
    Key ID 4:


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