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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 RACADM CLI Guide



Table 1. Details of jobqueueThe following table provides details about the jobqueue subcommand:
Description Enables you to view and delete a job or jobs in the current Job Queue.
  • To run this subcommand, you must have the Server control privilege.
  • If an unexpected error message is displayed for any operation, ensure you delete some jobs in the jobqueue and retry the operation.
  • Use jobqueue create command after applying a pending device configuration. Else, you may see a job creation and deletion in the lclog.
  • Multi-object Set commands using XML, or JSON files do NOT require a jobqueue create command; jobs will be automatically created by the Set command.
racadm jobqueue view -i<jobid>
racadm jobqueue delete [-i<jobid>][--all]
where valid options are -i and --all.
racadm jobqueue create <fqdd> [-r <reboot type> ] [-s <start time> ] [-e <expiry time>] 
racadm jobqueue create <fqdd> [-r <reboot type>] [-s <start time>] [-e <expiration time>] [--realtime]
  • -i — Specifies a job ID that is displayed or deleted.
    NOTE:The value JID_CLEARALL will force delete all the possible jobs in the queue.
  • --all — The job IDs that are not applicable are deleted.
  • -fqdd — Specifies an FQDD for which a job should be created.
  • —r <reboot type> — Specifies a reboot type.
    • none — No Reboot Job. This option is the default value.
    • pwrcycle — Power cycle.
    • graceful — Graceful Reboot without forced shut down.
    • forced — Graceful Reboot with forced shut down.
  • start time — Specifies a start time for job scheduled in the yyyymmddhhmmss format. TIME_NOW means immediate. Next Reboot means job is in scheduled state until the next manual restart.
  • expiry time — Specifies expiry time for the job execution in the yyyymmddhhmmss format. The job must start by this time. TIME_NA means expiry time is not applicable.
  • --realtime — Specifies the real time job.
    • --realtime is applicable for storage configuration commands run on PowerEdge servers with PERC 9 or newer storage controllers. To check if the controller supports realtime capability, run storage get controllers -o -p RealtimeConfigurationCapability command.

    • -r option is not valid for real time configuration.

  • View jobs in the current job queue.
    racadm jobqueue view
  • View status of a specific job ID.
    racadm jobqueue view -i <JobID>
  • Issue configuration changes for a PowerEdge RAID controller then start a real time job to execute the changes.
    racadm set RAID.Slot.3-1.RAIDdefaultWritePolicy WriteBack
    racadm set RAID.Slot.3-1.Name “Prod Workload”
    racadm jobqueue create RAID.Slot.3-1 –realtime
  • Delete all possible jobs from the current job queue.
    racadm jobqueue delete --all
  • Delete a specific job from the current job queue.
    racadm jobqueue delete -i <JobID>
  • To clear all the jobs in the job queue.
    racadm jobqueue delete –i JID_CLEARALL
  • Create a Job for the provided FQDD and add to the job queue.
    racadm jobqueue create NIC.Integrated.1-1 -r pwrcycle -s TIME_NOW -e 20120501100000
    NOTE:As RACADM does not support warm boot job creation, you will not observe any LCL messages.
  • Create a real time configuration job for the specified RAID controller.
    racadm jobqueue create RAID.Integrated.1-1 -s TIME_NOW --realTime
    RAC1024: Successfully scheduled a job.
    Verify the job status using "racadm jobqueue view -i JID_xxxxx" command.
    Commit JID = JID_927008261880
  • Create a commit job for InfiniBand objects.
    racadm jobqueue create <InfiniBand FQDD>


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