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Dell Wyse ThinOS Version 9.1.4097, 9.1.4234, 9.1.5067, and 9.1.6108 Operating System Release Notes


VMware Horizon Blast limitations

  • Headset Redirection—Dell sound bar SP3022/SB522A USB redirection is not supported on ThinOS. The Blast session stops responding when you use this device. This is a VMware limitation.
  • Session audio—Sometimes the session has no audio output when you hot plug a headset. As a workaround, you must switch the audio from the ThinOS local system to HD audio and then switch back to Headset.
  • CPU performance—If you do not sign off from the broker but only disconnects the blast session multiple times, there are a lot of mks processes in the system. This is a VMware limitation.
  • Webex VDI—Sometimes Webex VDI is not optimized in a Horizon session, As a workaround, you must reboot the device and relaunch the Webex VDI application.


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