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Dell Wyse ThinOS Version 9.1.4097, 9.1.4234, 9.1.5067, and 9.1.6108 Operating System Release Notes


Upgrade from ThinOS 9.1.3129 to ThinOS 9.1.4234 using Wyse Management Suite


  • If you are using ThinOS version 9.0, upgrade to ThinOS 9.1.3129.
  • If you are using a ThinOS 9.1 version that is older than 9.1.3129, upgrade to ThinOS 9.1.3129.
  • The thin client must be registered to Wyse Management Suite.
  • Download the ThinOS 9.1.4234 (DTOS_9.1.4234.pkg) firmware to upgrade.


  1. Go to the Groups & Configs page and select a group.
  2. From the Edit Policies drop-down menu, click ThinOS 9.x. The Configuration Control | ThinOS window is displayed.
  3. In the left pane, click Standard.
  4. From the Standard menu, expand Firmware, and click OS Firmware Updates.
    NOTE:If you cannot locate the OS Firmware Updates option under the Standard tab, use the Advanced tab.
  5. Click Browse and select the ThinOS 9.1.4234 OS firmware to upload.
  6. From the Select the ThinOS Firmware to deploy drop-down menu, select the uploaded firmware.
  7. Click Save & Publish.
    The thin client downloads the firmware to install and restarts. The firmware version is upgraded.


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