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Dell Wyse ThinOS Version 9.1.4097, 9.1.4234, 9.1.5067, and 9.1.6108 Operating System Release Notes


Identity Automation feature matrix

Table 1. Identity Automation feature matrixIdentity Automation feature matrix
Identity Automation Feature ThinOS 9.1.4234
Broker Type Authenticate to Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Supported
Authenticate to VMware Horizon broker Not supported
Authenticate to Microsoft Remote Desktop Services Not supported
Proxy Card New card enroll Supported
Authenticate with proximity card and password Supported
Authenticate with proximity card and PIN Supported
Authenticate with password Supported
SSPR Seamless change password support Not supported
Self-service password reset Not supported
Self-service PIN reset Not supported
Lock/Unlock Lock/Unlock the terminal by tapping a proximity card Supported
Convenient tap-over functionality Supported
IA server settings Settings for authenticate card frequency Supported
Settings for authenticate card method (PIN or password) Supported
Settings for incorrect PIN time Supported
Settings for PIN length requirement Supported
Settings for PIN reset Not supported


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