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iDRAC8 with Lifecycle Controller version Release Notes


Important notes

  1. Updating iDRAC firmware to the current version from versions earlier than is not supported (For example, updating iDRAC firmware from version to version or later is not supported). First update to version or higher, and then update to or later.
  2. The web server configuration in iDRAC is only applicable to the standard iDRAC web server port, which is by default at port 443. This port is used to serve the iDRAC web GUI pages and command line interfaces like Remote RACADM. iDRAC uses a different web server port at 5900 (configurable) to serve Virtual Console and Virtual Media using Java, ActiveX or HTML5 options. The Virtual Console and Virtual Media port uses TLS 1.1 and is not configurable.
  3. Running an OS DUP firmware update for a communication device may not display the rollback information correctly in iDRAC.
  4. The following message is displayed when the firmware is updated using remote racadm —"Error: Session is not valid." When this message is displayed, you can use remote RACADM with CIFS/NFS share for the firmware update.
  5. For Dell online catalog update, downloads.dell.com only supports https protocol.
  6. While downloading firmware update packages using catalog, the download progress information page may display a higher number of packages than the total number. This may occur if you select multiple versions of firmware for a single device.
  7. The following message is displayed when the firmware is updated using iDRAC UI for backplane including PCIe drives—"Unable to update the 12G SEP firmware to version 1.00 because the operation is not supported or the device is in a locked state." When this message is displayed, you can update the firmware from the Host OS and it will complete successfully.
  8. PCIe Gen4 drives may not get detected in iDRAC for Dell EMC PowerEdge R930 system. Use the F2 (Systems Setup) option to access the device settings that hosts the native configuration utility for the installed devices.
  9. Network operations over IPv6 are supported only with IPv6 address, using hostname is not supported. For example, if IPv6 address of lcui-fwupdate.com is 2607:f2b1:f083:181::15, then using lcui-fwupdate.com causes a failure in network operation. Use the IPv6 address 2607:f2b1:f083:181::15 to avoid this failure.
  10. When the plug-in type is changed to HTML5, Java or Native multiple times on a system with MacOS and Safari web browser, the keyboard/mouse attach state changes to Detach state automatically. You can update the OS and the browser to the latest version for the attach state to change to default.
  11. Standalone Virtual Console and Virtual Media window titles are displayed in english language only, when accessed using java plug-in.
  12. When firmimg.d7 update from HTTPS share using firmware RACADM update is performed, it displays an additional error message RAC989 intermittently, along with the completion message RAC987. During this update, the proxy is enabled. When this error is displayed, a corresponding job state shall be monitored using any of the iDRAC interfaces (RACADM/GUI/WSMAN) to check the update status.
  13. When firmimg.d7 update using local RACADM interface is performed, it exits without displaying any status message. When this happens, a corresponding job state shall be monitored using any of the iDRAC interfaces (RACADM/GUI/WSMAN) to check the update status.
  14. Firmware update from version to version from remote network share using remote RACADM interface may throw an error message - "Error: Session is Invalid". When this error is displayed, a corresponding job state shall be monitored using any of the iDRAC interfaces (RACADM/GUI/WSMAN) to check the update status. With version, RAC987 EEMI is displayed instead of "Error: Session is Invalid".
  15. The drivers that are exposed by LC are present in a read-only drive that is labeled OEMDRV and the drive is active for 18 hours. During this period:
    • You cannot install any DUPs.
    • LC cannot invoke CSIOR.

    However, if an AC power cycle (cold boot) is performed, the OEMDRV drive is automatically deleted.

  16. CPLD firmware update has no impact on Trusted Platform Module enablement.
  17. Depending on the virtual storage device attached through iDRAC, that is, USB drive or CD/DVD .ISO file, LC displays Virtual Floppy or Virtual CD respectively.
  18. If Test Network Connection fails for a valid address, try configuring the network settings again. If the issue persists, restart the system and retry the operation.
  19. When you reset or update the iDRAC, you must reboot LC if it is launched already. If you fail to reboot, LC may behave unexpectedly.
  20. On PowerEdge FC630, PowerEdge FC830, and PowerEdge FC430 systems, part replacement is not supported if a single PERC (FS332) is replaced with a dual PERC (FD332) or the opposite way.
  21. After performing a firmware update or rollback operations from LC, the host is rebooted by default. Reboot the host server again to display the updated firmware versions in the View Current Versions wizard.
  22. When you update a 12th generation PowerEdge server backplane-expander firmware for PowerEdge R920 firmware to version 0.33 or 2.03, the comparison page displays only one expander entry. However, firmware for both the expanders is updated.
  23. Fibre channel NIC cards with two or four ports are displayed as a single port card in Lifecycle Controller. However, all ports are updated when a firmware update is performed.
  24. The option to enable or disable the disk cache policy for SWRAID controllers is supported only on SWRAID controller driver version 4.1.0-0025 or later.
  25. ResetKeys under Action in the SecureBoot resource is available only on systems with supported BIOS.
  26. The SecureBoot navigation link is available under Computer System only if the SecureBoot feature is supported by the BIOS installed on the system.
  27. Rollback is not supported for CPLD.
  28. The certificate warning message that is displayed during an HTTPS transaction is due to the server presenting a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by the system, or certificate that is presented by the server is expired.


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