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Dell OpenManage Server Administrator 版本 7.4 命令行界面指南

Omreport System Summary 或 Omreport Servermodule Summary

使用 omreport system summary omreport servermodule summary 命令查看当前系统中安装的软件和硬件组件的综合摘要。输入:
omreport system summary
omreport servermodule summary
  • 注: 如果 vFlash 或 SD 卡的大小低于 1 GB,则以 MB 为单位显示大小。
  • 注: 如果已安装 iDRAC,Server Administrator 会显示 LCC 版本。如果已安装 BMC,Server Administrator 会显示 USC 版本。
CLI 窗口中显示的输出取决于系统中安装的系统管理软件、操作系统以及硬件组件和选件。以下 部分命令结果是示例特有的,可能与针对系统硬件和软件配置的输出结果不同:
System Summary  
Software Profile  
Systems Management  
Name : Dell OpenManage Systems Management Software (64–Bit)
Version : x.x.x
Description : Systems Management Software
Contains Apache Tomcat Webserver x.x.x
  : Common Storage Module x.x.x
  : Data Engine x.x.x
  : Hardware Application Programming Interface x.x.x
  : Instrumentation Service x.x.x
  : Instrumentation Service Integration Layer x.x.x
  Intel SNMP Agent x.x.x
  : Inventory Collector x.x.x
  : OMACS x.x.x
  : Operating System Logging x.x.x
  : Oracle Java Runtime Environment x.x.x
  : Remote Access Controller Managed Node x.x.x
  : Server Administrator Common Framework x.x.x
  : Server Administrator Core files x.x.x
  : Server Administrator Instrumentation files x.x.x
  : Server Administrator Core files x.x.x
  : Server Instrumentation SNMP Module x.x.x
  : Server Instrumentation WMI Module x.x.x
  : Storage Management x.x.x
Operating System  
Name : Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, Enterprise x64 Edition
Version : Version 6.1 (Build 7601 : Service Pack 1) (x64) Server Full Installation
System Time : Fri May 20 18:02:52 2XXX
System Bootup Time : Wed May 18 18:37:58 2XXX
Server Module  
System Location : Please set the value
Model : PowerEdge FM120
Asset Tag SST,3,4,S
Service Tag CB2DX1S
Express Service Code 26790524560
Slot Number Slot =8
Slot Name SLOT-02
Form Factor 1U Half Width
Node Id CB2DX1Sc
Remote Access Information  
Remote Access Device : iDRAC7 Express
vFlash Media : Absent
Processor 1  
Processor Brand : Genuine Intel (R) CPU 4000 @ 2.41GHz
Processor Version : Model 77
Voltage : 1000 mV
Total Installed Capacity :4096 MB
Memory Available to the OS :4096 MB
Total Maximum Capacity :32768 MB
Memory Array Count : 1
Memory Array 1  
Location : System Board or Motherboard
Use : System Memory
Installed Capacity : 4096 MB
Maximum Capacity : 32768 MB
Slots Available : 24
Slots Used : 1
ECC Type : Multibit ECC
BIOS Information  
Manufacturer : Dell Inc.
Version : 0.1.10
Release Date : 13-7-31
Firmware Information  
Name : iDRAC7
Version : 1.50.50 (Build 3)
Firmware Information  
Name : Lifecycle Controller 2
Version :
Remote Access Controller  
Remote Access Controller Information  
Product : iDRAC7 Express
IP Address :
IP Subnet :
IP Gateway :
IPv6 Address 1 : ::
IPv6 Address 2 : ::
IPv6 Gateway : ::
Network Data  
Network Interface 0  
IP Address : xx.xx.xx.xx
Subnet Mask : xx.xx.xx.xx
Default Gateway : xx.xx.xx.xx
MAC Address : : xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
Network Interface 1  
IP Address : xx.xx.xx.xx
Subnet Mask : xx.xx.xx.xx
Default Gateway : xx.xx.xx.xx
MAC Address : : xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx


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