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Dell Chassis Management Controller Version 2.10 for PowerEdge FX2 and FX2s RACADM CLI Guide


cfgDNSDomainNameFromDHCP - Read or Write

Table 1. Details of cfgDNSDomainNameFromDHCP. The following table provides the details of cfgDNSDomainNameFromDHCP attribute:


Specifies that the DNS domain name should be assigned from the network DHCP server.

Legal Values

  • 1 (TRUE)
  • 0 (FALSE)



This property is used only if cfgNicUseDhcp is set to 1 (true), or if both cfgCurrentIPv6Enabled and cfgIPv6AutoConfig are set to 1 (true).

The CMC can obtain its DNS domain name from either a DHCP or DHCPv6 server, if all of the following properties are set to 1 (true):

  • cfgNicIPv4Enable
  • cfgNicUseDhcp
  • cfgCurrentIPv6Enabled
  • cfgIPv6AutoConfig
  • cfgDNSDomainNameFromDHCP
  • cfgDNSDomainName (Read/Write)

The network administrator must make sure that these DHCP servers are configured to provide the same DNS domain name to the CMC, otherwise the domain name becomes unpredictable.

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