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Dell Wyse ThinLinux 1.0.3 Administrator’s Guide


Configuring the network proxy settings

To configure the Network proxy settings, complete the following task:
  1. Click the Network proxy tab.
  2. From the Proxy drop-down menu, select the type of Proxy method you want to deploy. The available Proxy methods are:
    • None
    • Manual
    • Automatic
  3. If Manual proxy method is selected, you must configure the following options:
    1. Enter the HTTP Proxy port details for your network connection.
    2. Enter the HTTPS Proxy port details for your network connection.
    3. Enter the FTP Proxy port details for your network connection.
    4. Enter the SOCKS host port details for your network connection.
    5. Use the Ignore Hosts option to set up proxy to ignore all local addresses.
  4. If Automatic proxy method is selected, you must type the configuration URL address in the field.
    • NOTE: Web Proxy Autodiscovery is used when a Configuration URL is not provided. Dell does not recommend this option for untrusted public networks.

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