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Dell Wyse ThinLinux 1.0.3 Administrator’s Guide


BIOS utility and BIOS upgrades

The BIOS Utility is used to extract the BIOS (along with its entire configuration) from the Thin Client. The extracted BIOS can be further distributed for the purpose of BIOS password change or to upgrade the BIOS . ThinLinux provides a terminal command which enables you to extract and export the BIOS.

Perform the following task to create the BIOS rpm:
  1. You should switch to the Administration mode.
  2. Start the Xterm window.
  3. Run the following command in the Xterm window:
The command creates the thin client’s BIOS, including its configuration information and generates an RPM file at the following location: /usr/src/packages/RPMS/<architecture>, where <architecture>is the device’s architecture.

For example, for Wyse 5060 thin client, the path is /usr/src/packages/RPMS/x86_64

The RPM file’s name is generated in lower case, as follows:
<device model>_bioscmos_update-<BIOS version>-<sequence #>.<architecture>.rpm
where <sequence #> is an automatically generated sequence number, starting from 1, and increments by 1 every time user executes on that device.
For example, on Wyse 5060 with 1.0A BIOS the extracted BIOS RPM file is termed as:
  • NOTE: <BIOS version> and <sequence #> is the RPM’s version and release numbers. These parameters influence the RPM’s ability to be installed on destination devices.

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