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Dell Precision Tower 5810 Owner's Manual

Turning off your computer

CAUTION:To avoid losing data, save and close all open files and exit all open programs before you turn off your computer.
  1. Turning off your computer (Windows 8.1):
    • Using a touch enabled device:
    1. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, opening the Charms menu and select Settings.
    2. Select Power icon and then select Shut down.
    1. On the Home screen, touch Power icon and then select Shut down.
    • Using a mouse:
    1. Point to upper-right corner of the screen and click Settings.
    2. Click Power icon and then select Shut down.
    1. On the Home screen, click Power icon and then select Shut down.
  2. Turning off your computer (Windows 7):
    1. Click StartStart icon.
    2. Click Shut Down.
    1. Click StartStart icon.
    2. Click the arrow in the lower-right corner of the Start menu, and then click Log off.
  3. Ensure that the computer and all attached devices are turned off. If your computer and attached devices did not automatically turn off when you shut down your operating system, press and hold the power button for about 6 seconds to turn them off.

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