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Dell Precision Tower 5810 Owner's Manual

Deleting or changing an existing system setup password

Ensure that the Password Status is Unlocked (in the System Setup) before attempting to delete or change the existing System and Setup password. You cannot delete or change an existing System or Setup password, if the Password Status is Locked.
To enter the System Setup, press F2 immediately after a power-on or reboot.
  1. In the System BIOS or System Setup screen, select System Security and press Enter.
    The System Security screen is displayed.
  2. In the System Security screen, verify that Password Status is Unlocked.
  3. Select System Password, alter or delete the existing system password and press Enter or Tab.
  4. Select Setup Password, alter or delete the existing setup password and press Enter or Tab.
    NOTE:If you change the System and/or Setup password, re enter the new password when prompted. If you delete the System and Setup password, confirm the deletion when prompted.
  5. Press Esc and a message prompts you to save the changes.
  6. Press Y to save the changes and exit from System Setup.
    The computer restarts.

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