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Alienware Command Center 6.x User's Guide


The Dashboard tab has an adaptive main home page that has a different view depending on the system mode or gaming mode.

In system mode, the dashboard has three main sections:

  • Ecosystem—Displays your entire ecosystem at one glance, which includes your system, Alienware displays, or peripherals that are interconnected. Double-clicking your system, display, or peripheral, launches ALIENFX where you can configure lighting, macros, and settings.
  • Performance—Displays gauges for performance (CPU utilization, GPU utilization, Memory usage, and C Drive disk space) and thermal (CPU temperature, CPU fan speed, GPU temperature, GPU fan speed). You can also select between different preset modes such as Battery, Quiet, Balanced, Performance, Max (if overclocking is not supported) or Overdrive (if overclocking is supported), Custom for laptops and Quiet, Balanced, Performance, Customs for desktops.

    NOTE: The performance monitoring information that is displayed in the Alienware Command Center is marginally different from the data that is displayed in the Task Manager, NVIDIA Overlay, or NZXT Cam.
  • Game Library—Displays the library titles with filters to show New, Recent, Favorite, and Most Played. The library tile icons can be used to launch that game or app directly or also to customize the theme for that game or app.

In game mode, the dashboard is adaptive and focuses on the key information below that is most relevant while gaming:

  • Performance—For monitor performance and thermal system information.
  • Game title and real-time data—For current FPS, CPU, and GPU utilization.
  • Ecosystem—For displaying your system and peripherals with the current gaming theme applied.

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