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Alienware Command Center 6.x User's Guide

Configure DPI and polling rates


  1. Select the Pro mouse under ALIENFX.
  2. Go to Setting > DPI.
  3. Configure the DPI and Polling rates for the device.
    The default DPI levels from one to five indicated on the slider are:
    • 400
    • 800—Default
    • 1200
    • 1600
    • 2400

    The default polling rate options are:

    • 125
    • 250
    • 500
    • 1000—Default
    • 2000
    • 4000
    NOTE:The 8K Hz option is enabled only for wired connections.
  4. Click Save Preset.
    NOTE:If you switch your Pro mouse from wired to a wireless connection and the polling rate is set higher than 4000 Hz, the polling rate is reduced to 4000 Hz and a message is displayed.

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