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SupportAssist for Business PCs with Windows OS Frequently Asked Questions

Data consumption

  • How much Internet data does SupportAssist consume for monitoring PCs?

    SupportAssist requires Internet connectivity for its operations. The following table lists the frequency and average data that is consumed for monitoring one PC:

    Table 1. Average data consumptionThe following table lists the frequency and average data that is consumed for monitoring one PC:
    Event Frequency of the event Data consumption for one PC
    Registering SupportAssist Once after deployment 15 KB
    Sending PC information or minimum telemetry data Once every 6–24 hours 4 KB
    Uploading PC information during scheduled scans Weekly or monthly as configured in SupportAssist preferences 120 KB
    Sending periodic PC monitoring information Every 30–45 days after deployment 135 KB
    Sending alert and system state information When an alert is detected or when a failure is observed 145 KB
    Creating support request When an alert qualifies for creation of a support request 160–350 KB
    Checking for SupportAssist version upgrades Once every week 16 KB
    Upgrading to the latest SupportAssist version When a latest version is available 318 MB
    Checking for Dell recommendations for PC updates Twice a week 1.2-11.2 MB
    Checking for smart PC update recommendations Twice a week 65 KB
    Sending PC insights (Health and application experience information) Once every hour 2320 KB
    NOTE:For drivers, BIOS, and firmware updates, the data consumption value varies depending on the number of updates.

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