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SupportAssist for Business PCs Administrator Guide

Deploy a catalog remotely


  • You must be signed in to TechDirect as a Connect and manage administrator or Connect and manage technician.
  • The catalogs that you want to deploy must be in the Test or Production states.
  • The PCs that you want to update must be connected to Dell.

About this task

After you create a custom catalog, you can deploy the catalog remotely. The catalog deployment is valid for 30 days.

NOTE:By default, the latest catalogs are downloaded from If you have specified to save the updates to a local file server or to a different network location in Set PC update source, ensure that you manually download the updates to the specified server, or network location and then deploy the catalog remotely. See Download updates to the network location.


  1. From the TechDirect dashboard, go to Connect and manage > Manage PC fleet > Connect and manage PCs > Manage > Update catalogs.
    The Update catalogs page is displayed.
  2. Click Deploy catalog.
    The Deploy catalog window is displayed.
  3. Select the catalog that you want to deploy.
  4. From the Select site & group list, select the site and group to deploy the selected catalog.
  5. Click Deploy catalog.


The selected catalog is queued for deployment and may take several minutes to appear on the Catalog deployments page depending on the size of the catalog.

The catalog is deployed, and the selected updates are automatically installed on connected PCs with ProSupport Plus or ProSupport Flex for Client service plan. However, for connected PCs with the Basic, ProSupport, or Expired service plan, the catalog is available for you to scan for selected updates and install them manually using the SupportAssist for Business PCs user interface. The updates are also automatically applied to the PCs moved to the site and group to which catalog was deployed.

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