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SupportAssist for Business PCs Administrator Guide

Catalog deployments

The following table describes information about the deployed catalogs that is displayed on the Catalog deployments page:

Table 1. Catalog deploymentsThe following table describes information about the deployed catalogs that is displayed on the Deployment status page:
Column Description
NameName of the catalog that is selected for deployment. Click the catalog name to view details of the catalog deployment.
VersionThe version of the catalog state that is selected for deployment.
Deploy initiated onThe date and time on which the catalog deployment was initiated.
QueuedThe number of PCs that are pending catalog deployment. When you deploy a catalog, the PC updates are queued to run when the PC is online and connected to Dell. You can cancel the catalog deployment only when the deployment in the Queued status.

To cancel the catalog deployment, locate the catalog deployment that you want to cancel, click Selection icon, click Cancel queued catalog and cancel the deployment.

In progressThe number of PCs on which the catalog deployment is in progress. When the PC is online and connected to Dell, the catalog is deployed on the PC fleet.
SuccessThe number of PCs on which the catalog is successfully deployed.
FailedThe number of PCs on which the catalog deployment expired or failed. The catalog deployment expires if the catalog is not deployed to the PCs in 30 days. You can try redeploying the catalog.

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