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SupportAssist for Business PCs Administrator Guide

Application experience for a specific PC

The Application experience section of the PC overview page provides insights on application usage and crashes that help understand the PC performance. This data is collected only when the user has logged in and is actively using the PC.

To view the application experience data, go to the Inventory page and click the Service Tag of the PC.

The Application experience section also displays a trend chart for application crashes for 26 weeks (Weekly view) or 30 days (Daily view). You can click a specific color-coded section, or date or week, to view information about application crashes and most used applications.

Application crashes and most used applications

The Application experience also displays the type of application crash, reason for the crash, and when the crash occurred.

Additionally, this section also displays details about most used applications such as application name, version, crashes per application, time spent on each application, average CPU usage, average memory usage, and average disk usage by the application.

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