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Dell SmartFabric OS10 System Log Message Reference


SyncE ESMC messages

This section lists the SyncE Ethernet Synchronization Message Channel (ESMC) system log messages.

When Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) is enabled on the switch in global and interface levels, if the SyncE input reference (interface) is not frequency synchronized to any of the available clock sources, an alarm is raised and displayed in the show alarms command. Alarms are cleared when the SyncE input reference (interface) receives a frequency that is synchronized to one of the clock sources.

Node.1-Unit.1:PRI [alarm], Dell (OS10) %SyncE_CLOCK_IN_HOLDOVER_STATE: Synchronous Ethernet Clock : 
Switched to holdover mode. %%ACTION=RAISED %%SEQUENCE=4397

Node.1-Unit.1:PRI [alarm], Dell (OS10) %SyncE_CLOCK_IN_HOLDOVER_STATE: Synchronous Ethernet Clock : 
Cleared the holdover alarm as frequency lock is acquired. %%ACTION=CLEARED %%SEQUENCE=4397
Table 1. SyncE ESMC system log messagesSyncE ESMC system log messages
System log message Severity Description Recommended action
SyncE_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_LOCKED: Synchronous Ethernet Clock: Switched to frequency locked mode INFORMATIONAL Indicates that the frequency of the SyncE input reference (interface) is locked to the SyncE clock source. No action is required.
SyncE_CLOCK_IN_HOLDOVER_STATE: Synchronous Ethernet Clock : Switched to holdover mode. %%ACTION=RAISED % %SEQUENCE=4397 INFORMATIONAL Indicates that there is no valid clock source present and SyncE clock is in holdover state. Verify the clock source or SyncE configuration.
Error: Failed to do forced switch as SyncE is not enabled INFORMATIONAL Indicates that the switch is forced to the SyncE-disabled interface. No action is required.
Error: Failed to do <forced/manual> switch as the reference is locked out INFORMATIONAL Indicates that we manually or forcibly switched to an interface that is locked-out. No action is required.
Error: Failed to do manual switch as the reference is in forced switch mode INFORMATIONAL Indicates that we override a force switch to a manual switch. No action is required.
Error: Failed to do manual switch as the reference is in signal failed state INFORMATIONAL Indicates that we manually switch to an interface which is down or in signal failed state. No action is required.
Error: Failed to do manual switch as the quality level of reference is lower than other reference(s) INFORMATIONAL Indicates that we manually switch to an interface which has a reference quality level lower than the current active reference (ql-enabled mode). No action is required.
Error: Quality level not valid for the SSM network option INFORMATIONAL Indicates that the configured quality level on the interface is not a valid value for the configured SSM network or conversely. No action is required.
Error: Mismatch in the SSM network option and quality level configured on references INFORMATIONAL Indicates that the quality level set on the interface is invalid for the configured SSM network or conversely. No action is required.

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