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Dell SmartFabric OS10 System Log Message Reference


DHCP message

This section lists the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) system log message.

Table 1. DHCP system log messagesDHCP system log messages
System log message Severity Description Recommended action
DENIED_ARP_PACKET: DAI: Denied ARP packet %s INFORMATIONAL Indicates that DAI denied the ARP packet because it did not match the DAI rules. DAI feature checks source IP, source MAC, interface, and VLAN of the ARP packets and forwards the ARP packets only if it is present in the list of allowed entries in DAI database. If it is not present in the list of allowed entries, the ARP packets are dropped by default. The DAI database is updated with the learned entries when a new entry is learned and added in the DHCP snooping database. No action is required.
DHCP_RELAY_SOURCE_REMOVE: Removing the IP address will affect the dhcp relay operation as the interface is configured as a dhcp-relay source-interface. INFORMATIONAL Indicates that removing IP address affects DHCP relay because the interface is configured as source interface. Dell Technologies recommends to not remove the IP address.

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