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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) Version 1.50.50 User's Guide

VMCLI Syntax

The VMCLI interface is identical on both Windows and Linux systems. The VMCLI syntax is:

VMCLI [parameter] [operating_system_shell_options]

For example, vmcli -r iDRAC7-IP-address:iDRAC7-SSL-port

The parameter enables VMCLI to connect to the specified server, access iDRAC7, and map to the specified virtual media.

  • NOTE: VMCLI syntax is case-sensitive.
To ensure security, it is recommended to use the following VMCLI parameters:
  • vmcli -i — Enables an interactive method of starting VMCLI. It ensures that the user name and password are not visible when processes are examined by other users.
  • vmcli -r <iDRAC7-IP-address[:iDRAC7-SSL-port]> -S -u <iDRAC7-user-name> -p <iDRAC7-user-password> -c {< device-name > | < image-file >} — Indicates whether the iDRAC7 CA certificate is valid. If the certificate is not valid, a warning message is displayed when you run this command. However, the command is executed successfully and a VMCLI session is established. For more information on VMCLI parameters, see the VMCLI Help or the VMCLI Man pages.

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