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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) Version 1.50.50 User's Guide

Using the -output Option

The -output option specifies one of four formats for the output of SM-CLP verbs: text, clpcsv, keyword, and clpxml.

The default format is text, and is the most readable output. The clpcsv format is a comma-separated values format suitable for loading into a spreadsheet program. The keyword format outputs information as a list of keyword=value pairs one per line. The clpxml format is an XML document containing a response XML element. The DMTF has specified the clpcsv and clpxml formats and their specifications can be found on the DMTF website at dmtf.org.

The following example shows how to output the contents of the SEL in XML:

show -l all -output format=clpxml /admin1/system1/logs1/log1

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