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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) Version 1.50.50 User's Guide

Using SOL From Putty On Windows

To start IPMI SOL from PuTTY on a Windows management station:
  • NOTE: If required, you can change the default SSH or Telnet time-out at Overview > iDRAC Settings > Network > Services .
  1. Run the command to connect to iDRAC7: putty.exe [-ssh | -telnet] <login name>@<iDRAC7-ip-address> <port number>
    • NOTE: The port number is optional. It is required only when the port number is reassigned.
  2. Run the command console com2 or connect to start SOL and boot the managed system. A SOL session from the management station to the managed system using the SSH or Telnet protocol is opened. To access the iDRAC7 command line console, follow the ESC key sequence. Putty and SOL connection behavior:
    • While accessing the managed system through putty during POST, if the The Function keys and keypad option on putty is set to:
      • VT100+ — F2 passes, but F12 cannot pass.
      • ESC[n~ — F12 passes, but F2 cannot pass.
    • In Windows, if the Emergency Management System (EMS) console is opened immediately after a host reboot, the Special Admin Console (SAC) terminal may get corrupted. Quit the SOL session, close the terminal, open another terminal, and start the SOL session using the same command.

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