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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) Version 1.50.50 User's Guide

Setting Up iDRAC7 IP Using CMC Web Interface

To set up the iDRAC7 IP address using CMC Web interface:
  • NOTE: You must have Chassis Configuration Administrator privilege to set up iDRAC7 network settings from CMC.
  1. Log in to CMC Web interface.
  2. Go to Server Overview > Setup > iDRAC . The Deploy iDRAC page is displayed.
  3. Under iDRAC Network Settings, select Enable LAN and other network parameters as per requirements. For more information, see CMC online help.
  4. For additional network settings specific to each blade server, go to Server Overview > <server name> . The Server Status page is displayed.
  5. Click Launch iDRAC and go to Overview > iDRAC Settings > Network .
  6. In the Network page, specify the following settings:
    • Network Settings
    • Common Settings
    • IPV4 Settings
    • IPV6 Settings
    • IPMI Settings
    • VLAN Settings
    • NOTE: For more information, see iDRAC7 Online Help.
  7. To save the network information, click Apply. For more information, see the Chassis Management Controller User’s Guide available at dell.com/support/manuals.

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