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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) Version 1.50.50 User's Guide


After performing an iDRAC7 reset (using the racadm racreset command), if any command is issued, the following message is displayed. What does this indicate?

ERROR: Unable to connect to RAC at specified IP address

The message indicates that you must wait until the iDRAC7 completes the reset before issuing another command.

When using RACADM commands and subcommands, some errors are not clear.

You may see one or more of the following errors when using the RACADM commands and subcommands:
  • Local RACADM error messages — Problems such as syntax, typographical errors, and incorrect names.
  • Remote RACADM error messages — Problems such as incorrect IP Address, incorrect user name, or incorrect password.

During a ping test to iDRAC7, if the network mode is switched between Dedicated and Shared modes, there is no ping response.

Clear the ARP table on your system.

Remote RACADM fails to connect to iDRAC7 from SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 SP1.

Make sure that the official openssl and libopenssl versions are installed. Run the following command to install the RPM packages:
rpm -ivh --force < filename >
where, filename is the openssl or libopenssl rpm package file.
For example:
rpm -ivh --force openssl-0.9.8h-
rpm -ivh --force libopenssl0_9_8-0.9.8h-

Why are the remote RACADM and Web-based services unavailable after a property change?

It may take a while for the remote RACADM services and the Web-based interface to become available after the iDRAC7 Web server resets.

The iDRAC7 Web server is reset when:
  • The network configuration or network security properties are changed using the iDRAC7 Web user interface.
  • The cfgRacTuneHttpsPort property is changed (including when a config -f (config file)changes it).
  • The racresetcfg command is used.
  • iDRAC7 is reset.
  • A new SSL server certificate is uploaded.

Why is an error message displayed if you try to delete a partition after creating it using local RACADM?

This occurs because the create partition operation is in-progress. However, the partition is deleted after sometime and a message that the partition is deleted is displayed. If not, wait until the create partition operation is completed and then delete the partition.

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