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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) Version 1.50.50 User's Guide

Importing CA Certificate to ActiveX Trusted Certificate Store

You must use the OpenSSL command line tool to create the certificate Hash using Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA). It is recommended to use OpenSSL tool 1.0.x and later since it uses SHA by default. The CA certificate must be in Base64 encoded PEM format. This is one-time process to import each CA certificate.

To import the CA certificate to the ActiveX trusted certificate store:

  1. Open the OpenSSL command prompt.
  2. Run a 8 byte hash on the CA certificate that is currently in-use on the management station using the command: openssl x509 -in (name of CA cert) -noout -hash An output file is generated. For example, if the CA certificate file name is cacert.pem, the command is:
    openssl x509 –in cacert.pem –noout –hash
    The output similar to “431db322” is generated.
  3. Rename the CA file to the output file name and include a “.0" extension. For example, 431db322.0.
  4. Copy the renamed CA certificate to your home directory. For example, C:\Documents and Settings\<user> directory.

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