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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) Version 1.50.50 User's Guide

Enabling SSL on Domain Controller

When iDRAC7 authenticates users with an Active Directory domain controller, it starts an SSL session with the domain controller. At this time, the domain controller must publish a certificate signed by the Certificate Authority (CA)—the root certificate of which is also uploaded into iDRAC7. For iDRAC7 to authenticate to any domain controller—whether it is the root or the child domain controller—that domain controller must have an SSL-enabled certificate signed by the domain’s CA.

If you are using Microsoft Enterprise Root CA to automatically assign all your domain controllers to an SSL certificate, you must:

  1. Install the SSL certificate on each domain controller.
  2. Export the Domain Controller Root CA Certificate to iDRAC7.
  3. Import iDRAC7 Firmware SSL Certificate.

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