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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) Version 1.50.50 User's Guide

Disabling Whitelist Feature in Firefox

Firefox has a "whitelist" security feature that requires user permission to install plug-ins for each distinct site that hosts a plug-in. If enabled, the whitelist feature requires you to install a Virtual Console viewer for each iDRAC7 you visit, even though the viewer versions are identical.

To disable the whitelist feature and avoid unnecessary plug-in installations, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a Firefox Web browser window.
  2. In the address field, enter about:config and press <Enter>.
  3. In the Preference Name column, locate and double-click xpinstall.whitelist.required. The values for Preference Name, Status, Type, and Value change to bold text. The Status value changes to user set and the Value changes to false.
  4. In the Preferences Name column, locate xpinstall.enabled. Make sure that Value is true. If not, double-click xpinstall.enabled to set Value to true.

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