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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) Version 1.50.50 User's Guide

Creating an iDRAC7 Configuration File

The configuration file .cfg can be:
  • Created
  • Obtained from racadm getconfig -f <filename>.cfg command or racadm get -f <filename>.cfg
  • Obtained from racadm getconfig -f <filename>.cfg command or racadm get -f <filename>.cfg, and then edited

    For information about the getconfig and get commands, see the RACADM Command Line Reference Guide for iDRAC7 and CMC available at dell.com/support/manuals .

The .cfg file is first parsed to verify that valid group and object names are present and the basic syntax rules are being followed. Errors are flagged with the line number that detected the error, and a message explains the problem. The entire file is parsed for correctness, and all errors are displayed. Write commands are not transmitted to iDRAC7 if an error is found in the .cfg file. The user must correct all errors before using the file to configure iDRAC7. Use the -c option in the config subcommand, which verifies the syntax and does not perform a write operation to iDRAC7.

Use the following guidelines when you create a .cfg file:
  • If the parser encounters an indexed group, the index of the group is used as the anchor. Any modifications to the objects within the indexed group is also associated with the index value.
    For example:
    • If you have used the getconfig command:
                                                      # cfgUserAdminIndex=11
                                                      # cfgUserAdminPassword=******** (Write-Only)
    • If you have used the get command:
                                                      !!Password=******** (Write-Only)
  • The indexes are read-only and cannot be modified. Objects of the indexed group are bound to the index under which they are listed and any valid configuration to the object value is applicable only to that particular index.
  • A predefined set of indexes are available for each indexed group. For more information, see the RACADM Command Line Reference Guide for iDRAC7 and CMC available at dell.com/support/manuals .
  • Use the racresetcfg subcommand to reset the iDRAC7 to the default setting, and then run the racadm config -f <filename>.cfg or racadm set -f <filename>.cfg command. Make sure that the .cfg file includes all required objects, users, indexes, and other parameters.
  • CAUTION: Use the racresetcfg subcommand to reset the database and the iDRAC7 NIC settings to the default settings and remove all users and user configurations. While the root user is available, other user settings are also reset to the default settings.

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