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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) Version 1.50.50 User's Guide

Changing Default Login Password

The warning message that allows you to change the default password is displayed if:
  • You log in to iDRAC7 with Configure Users privilege.
  • Default password warning feature is enabled.
  • Credentials for any currently enabled account are root/calvin.

The same warning message is displayed if you log in using Active Directory or LDAP. Active Directory and LDAP accounts are not considered when determining if any (local) account has root/calvin as the credentials. A warning message is also displayed when you log in to iDRAC using SSH, Telnet, remote RACADM, or the Web interface. For Web interface, SSH, and Telnet, a single warning message is displayed for each session. For remote RACADM, the warning message is displayed for each command.

To change the credentials, you must have Configure Users privilege.

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