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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7 (iDRAC7) Version 1.50.50 User's Guide


Internal Dual SD Module (IDSDM) is available only on applicable platforms. IDSDM provides redundancy on the hypervisor SD card by using another SD card that mirrors the first SD card’s content.

Either of the two SD cards can be the master. For example, if two new SD cards are installed in the IDSDM, SD1 is active (master) card and SD2 is the standby card. The data is written on both the cards, but the data is read from SD1. At any time if SD1 fails or is removed, SD2 automatically become the active (master) card.

You can view the status, health, and the availability of IDSDM using iDRAC7 Web Interface or RACADM. The SD card redundancy status and failure events are logged to SEL, displayed on the front panel, and PET alerts are generated if alerts are enabled.

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