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DELL EMC System Update Version User’s Guide



With remote option, user can enable updates of the remote systems, to provide the credentials of the remote system, and to push updates to the remote system.

  • It is recommended to provide equivalent options while performing reboot on remote servers.
  • DSU supports only when the similar operating system is used in host and remote systems. For example: Windows(Host) - Windows(Remote) ; Linux(Host) - Linux(Remote)
  • Remote option is supported only on iDRAC9 and later.
  • Ensure to use compatible DSU version when using the DSU options for remote system.
  • For Windows Operating Systems, ensure to log in once to remote server for uninterrupted connection.

Enabling updates of the remote systems

To enable the compatibility of the remote system with the host system.

Command for Linux:
dsu --remote
Command for Windows:
dsu --remote
NOTE: For the usage of remote option, root account only can be used. Sudo users cannot be used. The remote system must have default PermitRootLogin preenabled in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
NOTE: Remote option that is mentioned in the system prompt takes precedence over the config file options.

Providing the credentials of the remote system

To enable the remote system with the credentials provided along with the hostname. Multiple remote destinations can be configured using the input config file.

Command for Linux:
dsu --remote=<credentials@hostname>
Command for Windows:
dsu --remote=<Domain\credentials@hostname>
NOTE: When domain is used, only single-label DNS names are supported that do not contain a suffix such as .com, Corp, .net, .org, or company name. For example, "host" is a single-label DNS name.

To push updates to the remote system.

To push the required updates to the remote system.

Command for Linux:
dsu --push-remote-updates
Command for Windows:
dsu --push-remote-updates


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