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DELL EMC System Update Version User’s Guide


Component Type

Component type filter lists the updates that are required for the specified component type.

The following are the five component type filters provided:

  1. FRMW (Firmware)
  2. BIOS
  3. APAC (Application)
  4. APP (Application)
  5. DRVR (Drivers)
NOTE: APP is used only for upgrading OMSA DUPs
NOTE: For JSON supported files, APAC component is displayed as EAPP.
NOTE: The category filter option works when the IC version is greater or equal to 20.04.200, it lists specified components in the servers. Else, the filter list all the components in the server.

If the dependency is not met for the specified component type, the component information is not displayed. But updating of components runs on the available types.

Command Syntax for Linux:
dsu --component-type=<component type values>
Command Syntax for Windows:
dsu --component-type=<component type values
NOTE: For Driver, inventory lists all the required updatable and non- updatable parent component and sub components.


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