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DELL EMC System Update Version User’s Guide


Network share

In this chapter you will learn about network share, command line attributes to export inventory using network share option and various options supporting network share

To get the inventory

A shared resource, or network share, is a computer resource made available from one host to other host on a computer network .

DSU supports SMB1 and SMB2 protocol.


Network share allows user to specify the authentication parameters that are required for accessing the repository. If the authentication parameters are incorrect, then AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE is returned.

To export inventory file using authentication option:
--inventory --output=C:\Programfiles\Dell\Dell EMCSystem Update\dell_dup\inv.json --output-format=JSON --authentication=abc:bca123
Following are the key points to users while using network share option
  • Ensure to provide credentials when multiple Dell System Update options are given from the same network share.
  • Dell System Update retains the temporary files even when a file is exported to a network share via SMB1 protocol.
  • If the location you provide is an external network share, then ensure that you provide the --authentication attribute.
  • When system is not connected to network, user can provide all the below options to get required files:
    • --ic-location
    • --source-type
    • --source-location
    • --installer-location
    • --catalog-location

The following are the Dell System Update options which supports network share:

  1. --config
  2. --source-location
  3. --destination-location
  4. --bootable-log-location
  5. --catalog-location
  6. --ic-location
  7. --inventory-file
  8. --output-log-file
  9. --dsu-lin64-installer-location
  10. --dsu-win64-installer-location
  11. --output
With network share feature, user can perform following options:

To get the inventory details of remote servers from a network share

dsu --remote -i --config=<N/W share path with config file name> --authentication=username:password --dsu-win64-installer-location=<N/W share path with DSU application name with file extension> --ic-location=<N/W share path with inventory collector name with file extension>

To update a host server by using the repository present in the network share

dsu --source-type=REPOSITORY --source-location=<N/W share path till the directory repo name> --catalog-location=<N/W share path with catalog file name>  --authentication= username:password /u

To create and export bootable ISO to a network share using the repository.

dsu --source-type=REPOSITORY --source-location=<N/W share path till the directory repo name> --catalog-location=<N/W share path with catalog file name> /u --destination-type=ISO --destination-location=<N/W share path till the ISO file name> --authentication= username:password

Updating a server using the inv.xml from a network share and exporting the log file to a network share

dsu/u --input-inventory-file=<N/W share path with inv.xml> --authentication=username:password --output-log-file=<N/W share path with log file name>

Exporting progress report of a host server to a network share

dsu --progress --output=<N/W share path with progress file name> --authentication=username:password --output-format=json

To export inventory report of a host sever in JSON format to a network share

dsu /i --output=<N/W share path with inventory file name>  --authentication=username:password --output-format=json
The following section describes the format on how user can provide share location. For example: For windows:
--catalog-location=\\\folder\catalog.xml --authentication=abc:bca123
example: For Linux:
 --catalog-location=// --authentication=Abc:bca123
NOTE: It is suggested to see the storage space in the system when user gets the following error message : "Unable to access network location".


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