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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Scheduling automatic firmware update using RACADM

To schedule automatic firmware update, use the following commands:
  • To enable automatic firmware update:
    racadm set lifecycleController.lcattributes.AutoUpdate.Enable 1
  • To view the status of automatic firmware update:
    racadm get lifecycleController.lcattributes.AutoUpdate
  • To schedule the start time and frequency of the firmware update:
    racadm AutoUpdateScheduler create -u username –p password –l <location>  [-f catalogfilename -pu <proxyuser> -pp<proxypassword> -po <proxy port> -pt <proxytype>] -time < hh:mm> [-dom < 1 – 28,L,’*’> -wom <1-4,L,’*’> -dow <sun-sat,’*’>] -rp <1-366> -a <applyserverReboot (1-enabled | 0-disabled)>
    For example,
    • To automatically update firmware using a CIFS share:
      racadm AutoUpdateScheduler create -u admin -p pwd -l // –f cat.xml -time 14:30 -wom 1 -dow sun -rp 5 -a 1
    • To automatically update firmware using FTP:
      racadm AutoUpdateScheduler create -u admin -p pwd -l ftp.mytest.com -pu puser –pp puser –po 8080 –pt http –f cat.xml -time 14:30 -wom 1 -dow sun -rp 5 -a 1
  • To view the current firmware update schedule:
    racadm AutoUpdateScheduler view
  • To disable automatic firmware update:
    racadm set lifecycleController.lcattributes.AutoUpdate.Enable 0
  • To clear the schedule details:
    racadm AutoUpdateScheduler clear
  • Upload the update file from a remote HTTP share:
    racadm update -f <updatefile> -u admin -p mypass -l
  • Upload the update file from a remote HTTPS share:
    racadm update -f <updatefile> -u admin -p mypass -l


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