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Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 9 Version User's Guide

Controller operations in non-RAID mode or HBA mode

If the controller is in non-RAID mode (HBA mode), then:
  • Virtual disks or hot spares are not available.
  • Security state of the controller is disabled.
  • All physical disks are in non-RAID mode.
You can perform the following operations if the controller is in non-RAID mode:
  • Blink/unblink the physical disk.
  • Configure all properties including the following:
    • Load balanced mode
    • Check consistency mode
    • Patrol read mode
    • Copyback mode
    • Controller boot mode
    • Enhanced auto import foreign configuration
    • Rebuild rate
    • Check consistency rate
    • Reconstruct rate
    • BGI rate
    • Enclosure or backplane mode
    • Patrol read unconfigured areas
  • View all properties that are applicable to a RAID controller expect for virtual disks.
  • Clear foreign configuration
NOTE: If an operation is not supported in non-RAID mode, an error message is displayed.

You cannot monitor the enclosure temperature probes, fans, and power supplies when the controller is in non-RAID mode.


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