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Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User Guide Release 10.5.0


snmp-server group

Configures the views allowed for the users in an SNMP group.

snmp-server group group-name {v1 | v2c | v3 security-level} [access acl-name] [read view-name] [write view-name] [notify view-name]
  • group-name — Enter the name of the group. A maximum of 32 alphanumeric characters.
  • v1 — SNMPv1 provides no user authentication or privacy protection. SNMP messages are sent in plain text.
  • v2c — SNMPv2c provides no user authentication or privacy protection. SNMP messages are sent in plain text.
  • v3 security-level — SNMPv3 provides optional user authentication and encryption for SNMP messages, configured with the snmp-server user command.
  • security-level — (SNMPv3 only) Configure the security level for SNMPv3 users:
    • auth — Authenticate users in SNMP messages.
    • noauth — Do not authenticate users or encrypt SNMP messages; send messages in plain text.
    • priv — Authenticate users and encrypt/decrypt SNMP messages.
  • access acl-name — (Optional) Enter the name of an IPv4 or IPv6 access list to filter SNMP requests received on the switch. A maximum of 16 characters.
  • read view-name — (Optional) Enter the name of a read-only view. A maximum of 32 characters maximum.
  • write view-name — (Optional) Enter the name of a read-write view. A maximum of 32 characters maximum.
  • notify view-name — (Optional) Enter the name of a notification view. A maximum of 32 characters maximum.
Not configured
Command Mode
Usage Information
Use this command to set up the access privileges for a group of SNMP users. Configure the security level for receiving SNMP messages. Specify read-only, read-write, and/or notification access to the SNMP agent. To configure an SNMPv3 user's authentication and privacy settings, use the snmp-server user command.

Enter an access acl-name value to limit access to the SNMP agent to only ACL-allowed users.

A read-view provides read-only access to the SNMP agent. A read-write view allows read-write access. A notify-view allows SNMP notifications to be sent to group members.

Supported on the MX9116n and MX5108n switches in both Full Switch mode starting in release Also supported in SmartFabric mode starting in release

The no version of the command deletes an SNMP group.

OS10(config)# snmp-server group os10admin p3 priv read readonlyview
Supported Releases or later


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