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Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User Guide Release 10.5.0


Shaping traffic

You can shape the rate of egress traffic. When you enable rate shaping, the system buffers all traffic exceeding the specified rate until the buffer memory is exhausted. Rate shaping uses all buffers reserved for an interface or queue and shares buffer memory, until it reaches the configured threshold.

Configure traffic shaping

  1. Enter the queuing type policy-map and configure a policy-map name in CONFIGURATION mode.
    policy-map type queuing policy-map-name
  2. Enter a class name to apply to the shape rate in POLICY-MAP-QUEUEING mode. A maximum of 32 characters.
    class class-name
  3. (Optional) Configure rate shaping on a specific queue by matching the corresponding qos-group in the class-map. If you do not configure the match qos-group command, rate shaping applies to all queues.
    match qos-group queue-number
  4. Enter a minimum and maximum shape rate value in POLICY-MAP-QUEUEING-CLASS mode.
    shape {min {kbps | mbps | pps}min-value} {max {kbps | mbps | pps}max-value}
    • 0 to 40000000—kilobits per second kilobits per second—kbps
    • 0 to 40000 — megabits per second—mbps
    • 1 to 268000000 — in packets per second (pps)


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