メイン コンテンツに進む
  • すばやく簡単にご注文が可能
  • 注文内容の表示、配送状況をトラック
  • 会員限定の特典や割引のご利用
  • 製品リストの作成とアクセスが可能
  • 「Company Administration(会社情報の管理)」では、お使いのDell EMCのサイトや製品、製品レベルでのコンタクト先に関する情報を管理できます。

Dell EMC SmartFabric OS10 User Guide Release 10.5.0


Set company name

Configure the name, address, and territory information. Dell EMC Technical Support uses this information to identify which company owns the device.

  1. (Required) Configure contact information in SUPPORT-ASSIST mode.
    OS10(conf-support-assist)# contact-company name example-company-name
  2. (Required) Configure address information in SUPPORT-ASSIST mode. Use double quotes to add spaces within the city or state name. Use the no address command to remove the configuration. Enter ? to view a list of supported country names and codes. You can also find this information at the following location: Country names and codes.
    OS10(conf-support-assist-example-company-name)# address city city-name state state-name country country-code zipcode number
  3. (Required) Configure street address information in SUPPORT-ASSIST mode. Use double quotes to add spaces within an address. Use the no street-address command to remove the configuration.
    OS10(conf-support-assist-example-company-name)# street-address {address-line-1} [address-line-2 address-line-3]
  4. (Optional) Configure the territory in SUPPORT-ASSIST mode. Use the no territory command to remove the configuration.
    OS10(conf-support-assist-example-company-name)# territory company-territory
Configure SupportAssist company
OS10(conf-support-assist)# contact-company name ExampleCompanyName
OS10(conf-support-assist-ExampleCompanyName)# address city San Jose state California country USA zipcode 95125
OS10(conf-support-assist-ExampleCompanyName)# street-address "123 Example Street" "Bldg 999"
OS10(conf-support-assist-ExampleCompanyName)# territory Sales


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